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provisions for the worthy use of leisure time in later life, either as a participant or spectator.achievement of initial goals as set by the school in general and the student as an individual.a focus of interests on activity programs for student body, faculty, and the school community that will generate a feeling of unity.

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directed leadership and supervision that stresses self-discipline, self-motivation, excellence, and the ideals of good sportsmanship that make for winning and losing graciously.team play with the development of such commitments as loyalty, cooperation, fair play, and other desirable social traits.acquisition and development of special skills in activities of each student’s choice.physical, mental and emotional growth and development.The laboratory should provide adequate and natural opportunities for: To improve opportunities that will allow the program to serve as a laboratory where students may cope with problems and cope with situations similar to those encountered under conditions prevailing n the contemporary world.To ensure growth and development that will raise the number of individual participants that will give impetus to increasing attendance at each contest that will build gate receipts and will enable a program of continuing upkeep and improvement of facilities.To strive always for playing excellence that will produce successful teams.To improve the image of school athletics.At no time should the program place the total education curriculum secondary in emphasis the program should constantly strive for the development of a well-rounded individual, capable of taking their place in modern society. The athletic program should always be in conformity with the general objectives of the Walkertown High School and should be in line with the general policies of the Measurement of the success of the leadership should not be in terms of the tangible evidence of the victory and defeat record, but in the intangible personality development factors that are an outgrowth of the major objectives of the athletic programs. The leadership should be of the highest quality so as exemplify to the participants the desired type of individual to be developed from the athletic program. The major objective to the program is to provide wholesome opportunities for students to develop from their experiences favorable habits and attitudes of social and group living in a democratic world. Walkertown High School Athletics Philosophy

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